Hello! I’m Anne.

As a National Board certified Health Coach, I empower clients to redefine owning your health, unlocking their full potential for vibrant and healthy aging.

I blend strategic thinking with holistic wellness, guiding clients on a transformative journey towards sustainable change.

Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery, where we unlock what truly works for your unique needs and lifestyle.

Life is overwhelming and it’s hard to know the best way to move forward when it comes to our health.

The good news? There is a huge landscape of options to explore to improve the way we feel.

Through my coaching, I have helped clients lose weight, better manage their blood pressure and cholesterol, develop strategies for dealing with work and life stressors, implement routines for better sleep, and dial up their movement.

100% of my clients have seen improvements in the way they feel, and are more energized, motivated and mindful to achieve the health goals they set for themselves.

Let’s chat.

Have a question or want to learn more about me and how I can help?

I walked away with a new approach to planning and eating meals, a fitness routine that I could honor, and strategies for managing stress. Best of all, my blood pressure dropped back into a normal range.”
— Lindsay, Washington, D.C.


 Perhaps you’re someone who…

As a Health Coach, how can I help?

Simply, I’ll help you find the energy to figure out what it means to
“own your health.”   


We are faced with hundreds of decisions every day - about what we do, what we eat, and how we react to situations.   

  • Eating the right food is confusing.

  • Getting out of the cycle of constant “overwhelm” seems impossible.

  • Finding the time to work out … well, it just never happens.

In navigating all the potential paths that are before us, it’s easy to get stuck, and just continue on as we usually do.  The path of least resistance. 

Everything in your life, everything you do, ties to your health and well-being.

Together we can determine what is most important to your health and longevity, and build a plan that will incorporate new healthy habits into your daily routine. 

My greatest passion is helping people understand that being healthy is not a static state. It’s a process that we need to
pay attention to … embrace … own.

There are literally hundreds of ways to be conscious of how to move along the wellness continuum.

What People Are Saying about Health Coaching …


“My life is crazy ... job, kids, stress. Anne was a tremendous accountability partner who helped me not only build a meaningful plan, but kept me focused on what was important to achieve every week.

It was about finding energy, clarity and balance so I could move forward, with less stress and just feeling healthier."

— Elizabeth from Smyrna, GA

"I wholeheartedly recommend Anne if you are looking to improve your fitness, learn, be listened to and want a plan that will “stick” past the active coaching. I raised the level of my fitness, lost 8 stubborn pounds and Anne coached me through the process."

— Ed from Ridgefield, CT

"Anne helped me reduce what wasn’t healthy - reducing inflammatory foods by more than 50%, and sticking to my daily 5 mile walks and yoga. She has helped me define “next chapter” goals and has offered up creative thinking on issues where I was stuck. She has a deep knowledge of cutting edge health practices, giving me a more holistic approach to general well-being. Anne helps me be better in lots of ways!'“

— Cathy from Boston, MA

Adopting new habits is hard. Change is a journey, never perfect and rarely easy, and that is OK.

What’s the most important thing?

Taking that first step.

My National Board certification in Health & Wellness, combined with my Masters in Business provide a synergistic blending of what I’ve always loved to do: partner with people to help them develop a plan of concrete goals to accomplish big results. To achieve what you hope for yourself is as simple as building your own personal plan, and finding the strength to pursue it. I can help you with that.
— Anne Engel