Anne Engel Anne Engel

DO THIS for Better Sleep and Energy

This is one daily ritual I always try to honor—because honestly, it just feels good. And I truly believe it makes a difference in how well I sleep at night.

It’s all about getting that morning sunshine (yes, even when it’s cloudy!) within the first hour of waking.

There’s so much happening inside our bodies that we’re barely aware of - like a finely tuned system running in the background. 

But when we do know about simple actions that can optimize our health, why not take advantage of them?

I like to imagine a community of tiny villagers inside me, all working hard to keep me running optimally. And if they’re putting in the effort, the least I can do is give them the tools they need to do their jobs well!

So let's talk about the importance of morning light.

Essentially, it's the start button for your body’s daily rhythm.

Your body runs on an internal clock—and light is its #1 timekeeper

When natural light hits your eyes in the morning, it signals your suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) - your master clock in the brain’s hypothalamus.

Once the master clock is activated, it syncs up all your body’s other clocks - yes, your liver, gut, muscles, and even fat cells have their own internal timers.

I picture a clock shop, with dozens of clocks ticking away. If they’re out of sync, it’s chaos. But when they’re aligned?

Everything runs smoothly.

Here’s how morning light sets the rhythm for your entire day and night:

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

What’s the Healthiest Meal You Can Eat?

What's the healthiest meal you can eat? 

A $25 superfood smoothie with adaptogens and collagen?  A salad so green it practically photosynthesizes? A protein-packed power bowl with ingredients you can’t pronounce?

Nope. The healthiest meal you can eat is … a meal cooked at home.

Think about it — when you cook at home, you’re in control. 

You know exactly what’s going into your food. You’re choosing high-quality ingredients, using good olive oil, maybe organic produce, and avoiding industrial seed oils and minimizing plastic packaging that can leach unwanted chemicals into your meals. 

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Change the Cue - Change the Habit

So let’s explore habit science. I would like you to reflect on your habits - both the ones that serve you well and the ones that don’t.

Because when you become truly aware of what you're doing - and more importantly, what triggers your actions - you gain the power to change them. 

That mindful awareness is the first step in transforming a habit, whether it’s one you want to build or one you’d rather break.

So to start, think about a habit that you want to change. 

Maybe it’s reaching for a bowl of ice cream, grabbing a piece of candy, or pouring a glass of wine after a stressful day. 

These actions feel automatic, and for a good reason—they're deeply wired into your brain’s neural pathways.

We crave the comfort, the taste, and the momentary relief these habits bring. But if you step back and look at what’s really happening, you’ll see a deeper truth: You’re engaging in self-soothing

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Caught in the Trap of Busyness?

But, First name / friend, , if your feeling of busyness keeps you from accomplishing those things that are most important to you, you have to think about it.

While being busy feels like a badge of honor in today’s world, it is important to pause and wonder: what are we really busy doing

Too often, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of busyness—feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and ironically, unproductive.

And often I will get to the end of the day and think, “I felt so busy today… but what did I accomplish?”

Busyness gives us the illusion of accomplishment. We equate being in motion with making progress, but the truth is, they’re not the same. 

The constant ping of notifications, the endless to-do lists, the multitasking—it can feel like we’re running a marathon. And yet, when we finally stop, we realize we’re still at the starting line.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

A Surgeon General’s Warning: We Need Community

A client of mine recently had a powerful realization. 

After months of working on strategies to improve her nutrition, exercise, and sleep regimens, she had an epiphany during one of our final sessions: what she needed most to support her well-being was a vibrant, supportive community. 

She committed to stepping outside her comfort zone and prioritizing this foundation of well-being.

Her story stuck with me because it reflects something so many of us feel but don’t always name: we’re missing true connection. Our communities —and the oxytocin-fueled connection they provide - are essential for long-term health.

It’s why the outgoing Surgeon General’s recent warning about the crisis of disconnection resonates so deeply.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Capture More Smile Moments

What if I told you that something as simple as a smile could transform your health—lowering stress, improving your heart health, and even boosting your immune system?

Hopefully, the collage at the top of this newsletter brought a smile to your face. It’s hard to look at smiling kids and animals without feeling a little happier, isn’t it?

Science tells us that those little moments of joy, kindness, and connection aren’t just good for your mood—they’re a boon for your body, too.

Every time you smile or laugh, your brain releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These help relax your body, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and even boosting your immune system.

And here’s something surprising: smiling might just help with weight loss as well. 

When we’re trying to shed pounds, we focus on eating mindfully and moving more. But sometimes progress is slow or nonexistent. Why? Stress.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Get into the Right Mindset for 2025 … with Coaching & Micro-Habits

As January begins, it often feels like we’re gearing up for a race - - -

“This is the year I finally focus on what matters to me.”
“This is the year I make it happen.”
“This is the year I feel my best—energized, healthy, and ready for anything.”

But more often than not, those resolutions fizzle out.

Motivation wanes. Life takes over. We slip into survival mode, juggling busy schedules and doing our best to keep up. And when the overwhelm hits, the easiest thing to let go of is… ourselves.

We put work, family, friends, and commitments first—at the expense of our own goals. The perception? There’s just no time for you.

That’s why I’m offering two powerful tools to help you turn the tide this year.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel


There’s something magical about the fresh start a new year offers—a chance to turn the page and walk into a new chapter of our lives.

Over the holidays, I took some time to reflect on what I want this year to look like. One exercise that helped me get focused was creating a Vision Board. Not only was it fun, but it also brought back fond memories of something I loved doing as a teenager.

Back then, I’d spend hours sitting on my bedroom floor with a stack of magazines, cutting out pictures that inspired me, words that struck a chord, and assembling them into collages. Sometimes, I made these as gifts for friends, filled with images and words that captured the essence of our connection.  It was always such fun to create, and I must say the final result was always quite beautiful and meaningful.

Did you ever do that? If not, maybe this is the year to give it a try.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

The Space between the Notes

A few years ago, I listened to a lecture entitled the Space between the Notes.  It struck a chord with me (pun intended!), as I thought through the implications of this simple phrase.

The quote, “Music is the space between the notes” is attributed to the French composer Claude Debussy.  

Think how music would sound so differently if not played with attention to half, quarter or whole notes, staccatos, and of course, rests - that magic space that delivers the beat and elevates the flow.

 A composition would dissolve into cacophony if those “spaces” weren’t observed … and obviously sound entirely different from how it was intended.  

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Beware of the Garbage Truck

The other day, I set aside some time to tackle a long-overdue project - cleaning out old files in my office. Of course the real reason for doing so was to make room for the ever-growing stacks of paperwork piling up on my desk!


As I sifted through the chaos, I stumbled upon an email I had saved from 2007—one that clearly struck a chord with me at the time.


Reading it again, I realized why I had kept it all these years. It captures a perspective that is so simple yet so critical for living a healthy, vibrant life: how we choose to respond to life’s daily challenges matters deeply—not just for our peace of mind, but for our long-term health.


It’s a reminder to be mindful in the moment:

  • So you can make the best decisions for yourself.

  • So you can reframe a situation and guide yourself toward a better outcome.

  • So you can maintain control over your actions.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

The Gut’s Secret Society

I like to think of our body as a thriving village, filled with countless “villagers” who work around the clock to keep us alive, performing well, thinking clearly, feeling balanced, and—bottom line—healthy.

So if we think about our body as a haven for “villagers” that work hard to keep us healthy, we naturally can think of our mouth as the “golden gate” of entry into this village.  

We certainly want to control what goes through that golden gate, so our villagers are getting everything they need to perform their jobs.  We want to give them the best tools to optimize their work environment. 

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Post the 2024 Election, Just Breathe

Deep breath. This will be short.

Somehow this week, my planned newsletter on gut health just didn’t seem to fit.

Because I know there are a lot of feelings circulating out there right now, in the days after a consequential election.

Many are joyful. Many are fearful. Many are hopeful. Many are unsettled.

The emotions couldn't be farther apart.  Just like our politics seem to be right now.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Rebalance Your Morning, Recharge Your Day

As we head into November, I feel like I’ve landed again. September and October were a whirlwind of travel, weekend adventures, and a lot of fun – but being away from home, it's easy to let routines slip. It's almost like parts of my usual rituals go on vacation too!

So, it's a relief to feel rebalanced, re-engaged, and more intentional again. 

These are the habits I know make a real difference, and most of them start in the morning. I believe that morning routines are one of the best ways to set ourselves up for a day with positive momentum. 

Whether we're tackling challenging tasks or just facing a packed schedule, a well-planned morning can infuse us with energy, focus, and that "can-do" optimism we all need.

Here's a look at what works for me and a few ideas for you to try if you’re crafting or evolving your own morning routine.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

My Favorite Breakfast Hack

When it comes to breakfast, I hold that first meal of the day in the highest esteem.

It’s my foundation—my personal silver bullet to kickstart energy, focus, and set the tone for a productive day ahead.

And I’m happiest when my breakfast hits two key targets: plenty of protein (at least 30 grams!) and a generous helping of veggies.

But let me let you in on a little breakfast secret: my favorite strategy is an Egg-straordinary Breakfast Hack:

Step 1: Dump yesterday’s dinner in a pan (hopefully a combo of good protein and veggies).
Step 2: Put an egg or two on it.
Step 3: Feel like a breakfast genius.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

The Truth about Step Goals (and Why They Matter)

We’ve all heard the magic numbers for daily steps…typically 10,000, but sometimes 8,000, 9,800, or even 12,000. 


But with so many options, what’s the real goal here? And, more importantly, why does it matter? If I can understand why something is valuable, it fuels my motivation. 


So here’s something fun to know: the “10,000 steps” goal actually started as a Japanese marketing campaign for a pedometer ahead of the 1964 Olympics! 

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

How Friendship Fuels Our Health

For nearly 40 years, Labor Day Weekend has marked a “Same Time Next Year” tradition of gathering with my college friends. We all hold that weekend sacred, ensuring it has a permanent spot on our calendars. Year after year, we journey to the same place and spend the weekend together, comfortably reconnecting as though no time has passed.

 I am immensely grateful for this ritual of gathering.  It’s a constant reminder of the vital role friendship plays in our lives. 


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Anne Engel Anne Engel

From France to Home: Reflections on Lifestyle and Health

Just returned from nine glorious days in France—a country I've come to know better over the past couple of years—and each visit leaves me with an intense desire to return and explore more of its corners. 

This trip was especially sweet: my daughter, working in Paris for the Para Olympics, had been persistently nudging me to join her post Olympics to explore. 

My husband was working in Lyon, my son in Croatia, and we all found ourselves convening in Paris, coinciding perfectly with my daughter's engagement in Provence!

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Back to School, Back to Work, Back to Health

It’s September … and the one thing that keeps running through my head is …  

"Ahhhh, can’t believe the summer is over!" 

Those warm, lazy, outdoorsy, sunny, social days of summer are certainly dwindling. But like every turn of the page, there is something exciting about a change.

And that’s the good thing about September.  The weather is still beautiful - a bit cooler, but with a coolness that brings clarity in more ways than one. 

It’s a fresh start. Whether you're returning to the classroom, diving back into work, or simply resetting your routine, this month is the perfect opportunity to refocus on your health.

September is one of the top months for setting new goals and activating plans. The relaxed mindset of summer often gives way to a more driven, productive energy as we embrace the rhythm of a new season. It’s the ideal time to take stock of where we are and where we want to be in our health journey.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Getting to Conscious Unconscious Competence is a Life Changer for Health

Whenever I hear the term “Conscious Unconscious Competence” I have to pause and think about it. 

And once you understand the term … you realize in the journey toward better health, the concept of "conscious unconscious competence" plays a pivotal role.

This term, which stems from learning theory, describes the final stage in the process of acquiring new skills or knowledge.  It refers to a state where the actions we take become so deeply ingrained that they are performed automatically, without conscious thought.

In the context of health, this can be a powerful tool for long-term well-being.

To fully appreciate the beauty of conscious unconscious competence, it's essential to understand the stages that precede it. The learning process generally follows four stages:

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Facing Uncertainty: A Health Wake-up Call

A couple of weeks ago, I went in for my routine mammogram. For the first time, I was called back for a second look. 

While I tried not to dwell on it, the possibility of what might come kept creeping into my thoughts.

As I lay on the table during the ultrasound, my mind drifted to my friends who are breast cancer survivors. 

When I considered them all together, the sheer number was staggering—so many of my close friends had already faced and survived this. 

The statistic says it all: one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  It's a sobering reality that reminds us how vulnerable we are, especially as we age.

Aging is, of course, one of the greatest risk factors for many diseases. But while we can’t control everything, we do have power over a significant portion of our health. 

It’s about strengthening our defense systems, and it all boils down to doing the basics—those fundamental principles I teach and coach every day.

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