I am a woman in mid-stream,
and like many of you, am constantly running in a million directions, juggling many priorities. But I’ve also come to realize that making space for me, and striving to be as “healthy” as I can, is critically important. Even when the constant demands that face me every day can easily push “me” to the bottom of my to do list, I remember that every positive step I take will help me be healthier and push away health issues that can naturally develop when we aren’t noticing.
I am a working woman,
transitioned to Health Coach from a career in corporate marketing, with a profound knowledge that helping guide others to achieve their most precious aspirations in life is what keeps me grounded and happy. Throughout my career, I have been cognizant of the importance of balancing work and family, and have guided others to help them find meaningful solutions. Mentoring, building collaborative plans, finding creative solutions, and creating approachable and practical processes to achieve results are the linchpins of my career.
I am a Mom of four children,
my proudest accomplishments by far, and realize that they are my primary motivation to be healthy, so I can support them as they navigate their own lives, hopefully making balanced decisions and embracing all the goodness life has to offer.
I am a woman who would like to help you.
With all the demands that face our daily lives, it’s easy to get stuck when it comes to figuring out what we need to function and thrive. As a Functional Health & Wellness Coach, I invite you to work with me. It’s never too late to take back control of what is most important to you, and also most important to those you love – and that is your health and vitality.
And now for the nitty gritty details …
I came to this profession for two reasons. One, I wanted to understand how I could truly age gracefully, maintaining my health, and always continuing to do what I love, and quite honestly, sharing that information with others.
Two, I didn’t want to follow the path of my parents, who both died in their seventies, and spent their last few years in relatively poor health. They were physically limited by what they could do. And in today’s standards - they were young when they died.
I knew that was a path I didn’t want to end up on.
It’s a fallacy that as we age we will just start feeling bad. Aging doesn’t mean declining. Aging doesn’t mean that we have to stop doing the things we love. Aging doesn’t mean that the extra 20 or 30 pounds is inevitable.
And do you know what? Aging also doesn’t mean that we’re destined for some awful disease - because our grandmother had it. Or our father. Yes, we may have the same genes, but it’s largely our environment - how we live our life - that will determine our fate.
SO, if we’re intentional in how we behave, hopefully those things won’t catch up with us.
We don’t want to get to that one day where we wake up and suddenly something bad is staring us in the face. We are healthy … until we’re not. If we don’t prioritize our health, we’ve let go of our control.
Chronic inflammation is an issue that many of us are dealing with; in fact, a majority of Americans (80%) have at least one chronic disease.
Activating the right lifestyle strategies can restore health, often putting these diseases into remission, and enabling discontinuation of medication. Our bodies are resilient and open to repair when we start taking the tiniest of steps.
My mission as a Health Coach is to help you get on the right path to minimize health surprises and keep you charging forward enjoying all the things that life puts in front of you.
It’s never too late to start.
Let me help you prioritize your
# 1 asset:
A good first step is signing up for my weekly Newsletter.
I am an active curator of content that has the power to be life changing. With the right information and motivation, you can feel empowered to create an arsenal of healthy habits that will serve you well.
“I have to tell you AGAIN how much I enjoy your “Health” articles. Without exception, they are interesting and, for me, provocative. ”