Year-End Reflections: Wrapping up your Year with a Bow
Let’s take a moment.
A moment when we realize this year … is almost up. In our chapter book of life, this chapter is quickly winding down, and we’re profoundly astounded at the rapid rate at which time continues to slip away.
For that reason alone, it behooves us to find the time to think about the year … so we can be intentional with how we manage our time next year. Really figuring out how to make the most of it as best we can. It puts us in control of our time, vs. time controlling us.
Think of it this way …
As we wind down the year, it is a useful exercise to find time alone to sit down and reflect on how the year went. What were the highlights? What did you learn?
In doing this, it helps us think about next year. What we might want to do differently, new opportunities to explore, ways to be healthier.
To get started in thinking about this year, the below questions might prime the pump for elevating some interesting observations about yourself.
Did you set goals at the beginning of this year? If so, take the time to review what you wrote down. What did you accomplish? What didn’t you accomplish? Reflect on the whys of both of those questions.
If you traveled back in time to the beginning of the year, what advice would you give yourself?
As the year comes to a close, what are you most grateful for?
What was your proudest accomplishment? Why?
How have you made someone’s life better?
What is your favorite, most fun memory of the year? Why?
Was there one pivotal moment that propelled you forward or set you back? If so, think about the dynamics of that moment and what you learned.
What else did you learn about yourself this year? Were there any action steps that came out of that learning?
What did you actively set out to learn, in general? (new skills, new hobbies, new experiences)
What challenge did you face and how did you address it?
How did you push yourself out of your comfort zone?
Did you find time for yourself? How so? Benefits?
What important ritual did you add to your self-care routine?
What did you say “no” to that helped balance your schedule?
What was the most important investment of your money or time?
What do you want more of in your life next year?
If you can find the time to think through some of these questions, or even your own questions, I don’t think you'll regret that gift to yourself.