Feast or Fast: Time Restricted Eating Demystified
As I was thinking about what to write about this week, reviewing the benefits of the timing of our meals seemed to be … timely.
This “timing” is sometimes referred to as Intermittent Fasting or even Time Restricted Eating.
Neither of those term descriptors are award winners in my book. And both sound technical and painful to bear for a gal who always looks forward to her next meal.
But if we just drop the monikers and think about what it really means, it’s quite simple.
We’re talking at least a 12 hour break from eating (mostly when we’re asleep), and even better, a 14 hour break (or 10 hour eating window) may be optimal according to Dr. Satchin Panda who has conducted groundbreaking research on circadian rhythms and eating patterns.
Be Stronger than your Excuses
I love the way celebrity chef Seamus Mullen looks at the notion of health.
As a person struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis who almost died in his thirties, he had to push away the perception that he was doomed by this disease.
He knew he could manage his illness better than what he was doing.
The starting point for him, in his words, was this:
“The first step to becoming a healthy person is believing you can be healthy.”