Anne Engel Anne Engel

Activate Brain Gains to Minimize Cognitive Declines

Health … is … complicated.  Or, at least it can be complicated.

Especially if we're confronted with a chronic disease.  

The best approach?  Being committed to “the work” of staying healthy, and hope that we never face a complicated diagnosis. 

In other words, “the time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining.”

The work is a simple formula: awareness followed by action. Our long-term health hinges on recognizing the importance of proactive measures and implementing lifestyle changes.

Regrettably, our healthcare system predominantly focuses on treatment rather than prevention. The emphasis lies in waiting for illness to strike rather than promoting proactive health measures. 

Dr. Peter Attia, in his book OUTLIVE, highlights "the four horsemen" of disease, responsible for 80% of deaths in individuals over 50 who are non-smokers: 

- Heart Disease

- Cancer

- Neurodegenerative Disease

- Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is the foundational disease of the other three - meaning if you have Diabetes 2, you are at higher risk of the other diseases developing.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Grow Your Brain …

I know that one of the greatest fears held by many is that of developing some form of dementia. Some may even think that this disease is practically an inevitability that comes along with aging.

This prospect can feel daunting and overwhelming … but as most of you know that have been following me for awhile, I am constantly in “go mode” of curating content that can empower us to make good decisions.

Figuring out all the positive steps we can take can make a huge difference for our health - both our mental attitude and the way we feel.

So much of our health … and our health outcomes … are within our control. We just need to be aware.

So let's think about our brain.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel


Most of us have experienced a glimmer of worry as it relates to ensuring we stay mentally sharp as we age. And, most of us have known older family members who have struggled with various forms of dementia.

Some tend to think that dementia is just par for the course when it comes to aging.

And yes, some of our outcomes in life are definitely tied to genetics … but the good news is, like so many things related to our health, A LOT is in our control.

If we do the right things … can we maintain our mental stability, alertness, and acuity as we age?

Well, I'm not sure even the top neuroscientists can absolutely and definitively answer this question. But there is an abundance of documented evidence that shows that there are things that we can do to hold off and/or prevent forms of dementia in our older years.

So yes, being mindful of good habits that support brain health is the best way to get started.

And one of the best strategies to think through is, SURPRISE - what we eat, and thereby how we nourish our brain.

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