Anne Engel Anne Engel

What’s your Word?

I recently I had this wonderful little conversation with a couple of friends over a cup of cappuccino.

As we were sitting there catching up, my friend asked, what is your “word” for the year?   

Ironically, I had been thinking about “my word.”  

If this is unfamiliar territory, sometimes thinking of one word which represents you and your aspirations for the year can be useful.  It’s a word that can be grounding and purposeful, and keep you on track - in spaces that you've identified as important.

The word I chose for this year is INSPIRE.  

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Guidelines for Goal Success

Let's reverse engineer this a bit. Rather than give you a list of questions to ponder to help you set your goals, I thought I’d provide some guideposts to help ensure your success in what you set out to achieve.

But I will tee up a starter exercise to get you thinking about what’s important … since things just don’t happen without some careful thought and intention.

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