Healthy Snacks during Stressful Times
For most of us, snacks have become a part of our every day. Especially when we are stressed, mindless eating can easily ensue. So find some time to figure out what your arsenal of healthy snacks looks like. Then you know when you're in need of an energy boost ... you have some good choices in front of you that won't make you crash an hour after eating.
Say Hello to Pumpkin Pie Smoothies
… But that half-consumed can of pumpkin puree still sits in the fridge. And given that I am someone who hates to waste … well, ANYTHING … I’m always on the lookout for ideas on how to use up … well, should I say, “fridge remnants.”
And the good news is, pumpkin and pumpkin pie may still make it into your holiday planning. So here’s an idea … for those leftover remnants.
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. If you are a pumpkin pie lover, this really is pumpkin pie in a glass – quite delicious. And soooo healthy; pumpkin is packed with nutrients.
What is Inflammaging … and is it a real thing?
Our modern lifestyle lends itself to the development of chronic inflammation within our body, and it is our body’s reaction to a whole host of perceived assaults. What are these assaults on our body? They are as simple as not getting enough sleep, living in a constant cycle of stress, not finding the time to exercise, and of course, not eating the right foods.
All of this leads to a process of “inflammaging” – a slow and gradual process of building inflammation as we age. While our body tries its best to cope with these assaults, and is certainly successful at the onset, overtime chronic inflammation ensues.
The Organic Dilemma
You may have noticed in the past few years that the produce area of your local grocery is making from for more organic fruits and vegetables. Organic simply means that the produce has been grown and harvested without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial agents.
The first big stumbling block when it comes to buying organic is the price. Organic is clearly more expensive. The second stumbling block is the variety and availability. Conventionally grown fruit and vegetables clearly dominate the aisles. And, it often looks better than what’s sitting in the organic section.
Is Eating Healthy … Dieting?
Full stop. Just think about that statement. A bit ironic. A bit humorous. Quite a bit true.