Caught in the Trap of Busyness?

How often has someone asked you, “How are you?” and your reply has been, “Oh, I’m so busy!”

Well, at least I know that's me … a lot of the time.

But, First name / friend, , if your feeling of busyness keeps you from accomplishing those things that are most important to you, you have to think about it.

While being busy feels like a badge of honor in today’s world, it is important to pause and wonder: what are we really busy doing

Too often, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of busyness—feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and ironically, unproductive.

And often I will get to the end of the day and think, “I felt so busy today… but what did I accomplish?”

Busyness gives us the illusion of accomplishment. We equate being in motion with making progress, but the truth is, they’re not the same. 

The constant ping of notifications, the endless to-do lists, the multitasking—it can feel like we’re running a marathon. And yet, when we finally stop, we realize we’re still at the starting line.

Why is this so common? I think it’s because being busy can feel safe. If we’re constantly in motion, we don’t have to confront the discomfort of stillness or ask ourselves the hard questions:

  • Am I spending time on what truly matters?

  • Am I clear on my priorities, or am I just saying yes to everything?

  • Am I accomplishing, or am I just checking off tasks?

The trap of busyness robs us of the ability to be intentional with our time. It leaves us feeling like we’ve done everything and nothing all at once. 

The first important realization is that we all have a lengthy “to do” list.

The second important realization is that our to do list will never be done.  

Yes, we will cross things off, but for the rest of our lives, we will never complete our to do list.

One primary problem this state of busyness in our lives creates is that we immediately go to cutting things out that we think can be sacrificed in the moment … which is typically our health and our rest.  

Don't have time to prepare and cook a meal … let's get take-out.  

I can get less sleep tonight.

I don't have to take any time-outs or breaks during the day - too much to get done.

And of course, there is no way that I can even think about exercising today.

I'm sure we've all used at least one, if not all of the excuses above for putting our health on the back burner.

…  to feel less busy—and more intentional:

  1. Set Clear Priorities
    At the start of each day, ask yourself: What is the ONE thing that would make today feel successful? Write it down. Focus on this first before tackling the smaller tasks.

  2. Practice Saying No
    Being busy often comes from taking on too much. Give yourself permission to say noto what doesn’t align with your priorities.

  3. Schedule White Space
    Block out time in your day to pause, reflect, or simply be. This isn’t wasted time—it’s where clarity lives.  It's where creativity can come through the door.

  4. Track Your Accomplishments
    At the end of the day, write down one thing you’re proud of accomplishing. It helps shift the focus from busyness to progress.

  5. Reframe Your Mindset
    The next time someone asks how you’re doing, resist the urge to say, “I’m so busy.”Instead, try something like, “I’m focusing on what matters most today.”  Or “You know, I'm good." Or “Feeling productive!”

The feeling of busyness is often self-imposed. What would it look like if you shifted from being busy to being present?

Instead of rushing through life, let’s make space for what truly matters—whether it’s meaningful work, connection with loved ones, or simply catching our breath, and being good to ourselves.

What are you busy with right now? Is it aligned with what you value most? 

Do you need help creating a vision? Do you know how to move forward with what matters the most to you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts—always feel free to schedule a complimentary call so we can chat, catch up and determine if working together is beneficial for you.


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