Anne Engel Anne Engel

Caught in the Trap of Busyness?

But, First name / friend, , if your feeling of busyness keeps you from accomplishing those things that are most important to you, you have to think about it.

While being busy feels like a badge of honor in today’s world, it is important to pause and wonder: what are we really busy doing

Too often, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of busyness—feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and ironically, unproductive.

And often I will get to the end of the day and think, “I felt so busy today… but what did I accomplish?”

Busyness gives us the illusion of accomplishment. We equate being in motion with making progress, but the truth is, they’re not the same. 

The constant ping of notifications, the endless to-do lists, the multitasking—it can feel like we’re running a marathon. And yet, when we finally stop, we realize we’re still at the starting line.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Rebalance Your Morning, Recharge Your Day

As we head into November, I feel like I’ve landed again. September and October were a whirlwind of travel, weekend adventures, and a lot of fun – but being away from home, it's easy to let routines slip. It's almost like parts of my usual rituals go on vacation too!

So, it's a relief to feel rebalanced, re-engaged, and more intentional again. 

These are the habits I know make a real difference, and most of them start in the morning. I believe that morning routines are one of the best ways to set ourselves up for a day with positive momentum. 

Whether we're tackling challenging tasks or just facing a packed schedule, a well-planned morning can infuse us with energy, focus, and that "can-do" optimism we all need.

Here's a look at what works for me and a few ideas for you to try if you’re crafting or evolving your own morning routine.

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