Facing Uncertainty: A Health Wake-up Call
A couple of weeks ago, I went in for my routine mammogram. For the first time, I was called back for a second look.
While I tried not to dwell on it, the possibility of what might come kept creeping into my thoughts.
As I lay on the table during the ultrasound, my mind drifted to my friends who are breast cancer survivors.
When I considered them all together, the sheer number was staggering—so many of my close friends had already faced and survived this.
The statistic says it all: one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It's a sobering reality that reminds us how vulnerable we are, especially as we age.
Aging is, of course, one of the greatest risk factors for many diseases. But while we can’t control everything, we do have power over a significant portion of our health.
It’s about strengthening our defense systems, and it all boils down to doing the basics—those fundamental principles I teach and coach every day.
These habits are simple but powerful.
Each of these pillars holds countless strategies that can be tailored to fit your life. The challenge isn’t in knowing what to do—it’s in consistently doing it, especially when life gets busy.
If you’ve been putting off the things you know you "should" be doing, now is the time to act. Don’t wait for that wake-up call, the one you hope never comes, to start prioritizing your health.
As I lay there during the ultrasound, I asked myself what I would change if I received a diagnosis. The one big voice in my head, which kind of made me laugh was telling me: “Eat more broccoli.”
Broccoli is a powerhouse of anti-cancer nutrients. Other thoughts followed: drink more green tea, cut down on alcohol, increase fiber intake.
Thankfully, everything turned out fine for me. But that moment of uncertainty was a powerful reminder—a nudge to take action now, not later.
None of us want to reach that critical point where we’re forced into change. So let’s be proactive.
Start with one small, health-affirming action today. And if you need guidance, I’m here to help.