Anne Engel Anne Engel

Facing Uncertainty: A Health Wake-up Call

A couple of weeks ago, I went in for my routine mammogram. For the first time, I was called back for a second look. 

While I tried not to dwell on it, the possibility of what might come kept creeping into my thoughts.

As I lay on the table during the ultrasound, my mind drifted to my friends who are breast cancer survivors. 

When I considered them all together, the sheer number was staggering—so many of my close friends had already faced and survived this. 

The statistic says it all: one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  It's a sobering reality that reminds us how vulnerable we are, especially as we age.

Aging is, of course, one of the greatest risk factors for many diseases. But while we can’t control everything, we do have power over a significant portion of our health. 

It’s about strengthening our defense systems, and it all boils down to doing the basics—those fundamental principles I teach and coach every day.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

The Thing … under The Thing

What exactly is "the thing under the thing??

Well, I’ve honestly been thinking about it all week.

It started with a conversation with two coaching colleagues about the impact and art of transformational coaching, where the concept of "the thing under the thing" emerged.

And while fine-tuning my course content for my Create your Owner’s Manual for Health class this week, I continued to think about “the thing under the thing” as a discussion on chronic stress took center stage, emphasizing how imperative it is to tackle what's in our head effectively.

Too often, we allow issues to simmer, leaving them to fester, which can leave us feeling paralyzed, trapped in a mental traffic jam.

Have you ever found yourself wrestling with a problem, feeling as though you're trying to untangle headphones in the dark? Or waking up with a persistent cloud hovering over you, unsure of its origin?

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Mexican Fiesta Meal Planning to Rev up your Week

Did I have you at Mexican Fiesta? 🌮🎉

I know! If you’re like me, it’s hard to walk away from the flavors, spices and heat of southwestern cooking.

Now, picture this: You've had one of those exhausting days where you get to the end of it, and open your refrigerator door only to find it is empty, with no promise for inspiring dinner plans.

What do most of us do in that dire situation? Reach for the takeout menu or make dinner choices that are not satisfying or healthy.

But, fear not! There's a solution that doesn't involve culinary acrobatics or sorcery. It's a simple trifecta of time, thought, and planning - otherwise known as meal prep.

SOOOO many of my clients struggle with this - and it's not hard to understand why. Most of us lead pretty busy, jam-packed lives. It’s also easy to get lazy.

When all those things come together, we end up blankly looking into our refrigerator door at the end of the day.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Feast or Fast: Time Restricted Eating Demystified

As I was thinking about what to write about this week, reviewing the benefits of the timing of our meals seemed to be … timely.

This “timing” is sometimes referred to as Intermittent Fasting or even Time Restricted Eating.

Neither of those term descriptors are award winners in my book. And both sound technical and painful to bear for a gal who always looks forward to her next meal.

But if we just drop the monikers and think about what it really means, it’s quite simple.

We’re talking at least a 12 hour break from eating (mostly when we’re asleep), and even better, a 14 hour break (or 10 hour eating window) may be optimal according to Dr. Satchin Panda who has conducted groundbreaking research on circadian rhythms and eating patterns.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Morning Hydration to Kickstart a Day of Focus

Brain health alert … as it relates to one simple habit you can add to your morning routine: 16oz glass of water, half a squeezed lemon and a pinch of salt, before that cup of morning coffee.

And then maybe one more glass of lemon water with salt - side by side with your cup of coffee.

And then you're free to sip just plain ‘ole water for the rest of your day.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

One Delicious Protein Packed Salad …

This lentil salad, obviously has as its shining ingredient - lentils.

Lentils pack in 18 grams of protein per cup. I'm always looking for ways to add more protein to my diet, since the amount we eat is so critical for muscle synthesis. They are also a great source of soluble fiber which helps decrease LDL and total cholesterol.

Lentils also provide iron, although plant sources of iron are harder for us to absorb. This is where lemon enters the picture. The Vitamin C in lemon helps us absorb iron in plant foods.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel


Most of us have experienced a glimmer of worry as it relates to ensuring we stay mentally sharp as we age. And, most of us have known older family members who have struggled with various forms of dementia.

Some tend to think that dementia is just par for the course when it comes to aging.

And yes, some of our outcomes in life are definitely tied to genetics … but the good news is, like so many things related to our health, A LOT is in our control.

If we do the right things … can we maintain our mental stability, alertness, and acuity as we age?

Well, I'm not sure even the top neuroscientists can absolutely and definitively answer this question. But there is an abundance of documented evidence that shows that there are things that we can do to hold off and/or prevent forms of dementia in our older years.

So yes, being mindful of good habits that support brain health is the best way to get started.

And one of the best strategies to think through is, SURPRISE - what we eat, and thereby how we nourish our brain.

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