A Surgeon General’s Warning: We Need Community
A client of mine recently had a powerful realization.
After months of working on strategies to improve her nutrition, exercise, and sleep regimens, she had an epiphany during one of our final sessions: what she needed most to support her well-being was a vibrant, supportive community.
She committed to stepping outside her comfort zone and prioritizing this foundation of well-being.
Her story stuck with me because it reflects something so many of us feel but don’t always name: we’re missing true connection. Our communities —and the oxytocin-fueled connection they provide - are essential for long-term health.
It’s why the outgoing Surgeon General’s recent warning about the crisis of disconnection resonates so deeply.
Post the 2024 Election, Just Breathe
Deep breath. This will be short.
Somehow this week, my planned newsletter on gut health just didn’t seem to fit.
Because I know there are a lot of feelings circulating out there right now, in the days after a consequential election.
Many are joyful. Many are fearful. Many are hopeful. Many are unsettled.
The emotions couldn't be farther apart. Just like our politics seem to be right now.
How Friendship Fuels Our Health
For nearly 40 years, Labor Day Weekend has marked a “Same Time Next Year” tradition of gathering with my college friends. We all hold that weekend sacred, ensuring it has a permanent spot on our calendars. Year after year, we journey to the same place and spend the weekend together, comfortably reconnecting as though no time has passed.
I am immensely grateful for this ritual of gathering. It’s a constant reminder of the vital role friendship plays in our lives.