Anne Engel Anne Engel

Find the Sunshine

Controlling the sun may seem like an impossible task, but in our daily lives, we wield that power.

Just as the sun's warmth and magic uplift us, we have the ability to infuse our days with sunshine, irrespective of external conditions.

Yet, amidst this pursuit, we often face a blizzard of thoughts within our minds—darting, fleeting, and sometimes immobilizing. This evolutionary bias towards negativity, while once essential for survival, now burdens us with unnecessary stress.

According to the National Science Institute, a staggering 80% of our thoughts lean negative, perpetuating a cycle of stress and anxiety.

However, we hold the key to breaking free from this pattern. By choosing our thoughts deliberately, like selecting our daily attire, we can significantly impact our mental and emotional well-being.

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Anne Engel Anne Engel

Rise and Thrive: Nourishing Morning Routines for Maximum Productivity

”If you want to change the world, make your bed every morning.”

This quote by Admiral McRavin garnered some chuckles when he first offered this advice to graduating seniors at the University of Texas … later leading to the publication of his best selling book, “Make your Bed.”

I’ve always loved this quote (and repeat it to my teenagers often 😅).

The idea is simple. Start your day doing just one simple task. This will make you feel accomplished, and will encourage you to do another task, and so on, throughout your day. Have you read the book When you give a Mouse a Cookie? Then you get it. One thing leads to the next.

And the first thing you choose to do, matters. Obviously the mouse didn't make as good a decision as Admiral McRavin!

Making our bed is a strategy in productivity; a strategy in accomplishment. And we know, both of those things feel really good.

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