Rise and Thrive: Nourishing Morning Routines for Maximum Productivity
This quote by Admiral McRavin garnered some chuckles when he first offered this advice to graduating seniors at the University of Texas … later leading to the publication of his best selling book, “Make your Bed.”
I’ve always loved this quote (and repeat it to my teenagers often 😅).
The idea is simple. Start your day doing just one simple task. This will make you feel accomplished, and will encourage you to do another task, and so on, throughout your day. Have you read the book When you give a Mouse a Cookie? Then you get it. One thing leads to the next.
And the first thing you choose to do, matters. Obviously the mouse didn't make as good a decision as Admiral McRavin!
Making our bed is a strategy in productivity; a strategy in accomplishment. And we know, both of those things feel really good.
That “made up bed” delivers other benefits too. Do you notice the difference it makes with the way you feel … walking into your bedroom later in the day when your bed is beautifully made and inviting … versus when it is not?
Of course you do. For me, seeing that bed well made makes me feel calm and more at peace. More organized.
Thank goodness my husband makes that part of his morning routine! I gladly benefit from it.
So here's the question. Do you have a morning routine? A morning routine locked in? It is a buzz word that gets spoken about quite often these days.
You may be thinking, “of course I have a morning routine." We all do.
Somehow we get ourselves out of bed, dressed, and our day begins… with whatever activities that may contain.
So I guess the better question is:
Do you have a morning routine that serves YOU?
That nourishes YOU?
That makes YOU feel good and accomplished?
I think that defines a morning routine … something we do for ourselves … and something that provides a balance of nourishment and accomplishment.
Holding peace for yourself every day, whatever that looks like, and getting those first things done … will subtly shift you into drive, make you feel more focused, and literally shut down negative thoughts that can sometimes hijack our day.
It’s true that depending on what lifestage we are in, our “morning routines” can expand or contract.
If I think back to my morning routine in my forties for example, my “so called routine” would be waking up to the startling sound of an alarm, hitting snooze at least a couple of times, jumping in the shower, making breakfast for four kids, packing four lunches, getting them up, and out the door, with me right behind them.
Boy that stresses me out just thinking about it. But it was just a fact of how life was then.
Today, I appreciate my ability to focus on myself for a good chunk of time at the start of my day.
But that is easier for me, being an “empty nester” and also an entrepreneur managing my own business. I certainly have more control over my life than I did a few years ago.
Although back then, I certainly could have rewired my morning a bit, to give me some time. But the thought didn't occur to me.
Of all of the things that I’ve “tried out” as a Health Coach, and as a person who is always thinking of the small steps we can each take to be healthier … establishing a consistent Morning Routine has been a game changer.
But even if you are still in that chaotic phase of life, don’t give up on the hope of doing something consistently for yourself in the morning. Even if it requires rising a few minutes earlier ahead of the household, it will be worth it.
Just sitting with a cup of coffee or tea, alone in silence, maybe reading something inspirational … maybe sitting outside in the sunshine … may give you a whole new perspective.
Because in reality … we never know exactly how our day is going to go … but we can control that first bit of time.
And when we do decide that we are going to implement a routine that serves us, it is energizing and honestly, just a true gift.
The amount of time doesn't matter. It's the consistency of what you do.
Think about exercise. We all know it is important to do. I realize that when I exercise in the morning, it provides an energy that propels me into my day. It kind of opens the door wide to creative thinking.
And best yet, those recurring thoughts of …. “you have to exercise … you have to exercise” … are stopped in their track. I don't hear them.
I know if I don't exercise in the morning … it most likely won't happen. The day gets away from me … and then I feel let down for not getting it done.
And I remind myself again that morning is the time of day where I can control my time the best.
Let me share my morning routine - and apologize in advance for producing the following “eye” chart - but I wanted to give you some specific detail, with the rationale for me.
Maybe this can spark some ideas … and if you don't have a consistent routine now, think about what might work best for you.
The simple discipline that comes from having a consistent routine every day can be life changing. It creates structure; it creates momentum. It puts you in the driver's seat … in control.
We never know exactly what our day will hold, and what will come along for us to tackle. But we can always know what happens first thing in the morning. And feel good that we've established a routine that nourishes us … and amps up our productivity.
Win. Win.
And one last thought. Resist the temptation to pick up your phone until you're through with your routine … unless it is delivering a benefit such as music or a podcast. Or a quick glance to make sure there are no texts from your kids. When we don't have that discipline, too often that can derail us very quickly.
I would love to hear about your successful routines in the morning. Email me at anne@anneengelhealth.com and let me know what works for you!