Find the Sunshine
Controlling the sun may seem like an impossible task, but in our daily lives, we wield that power.
Just as the sun's warmth and magic uplift us, we have the ability to infuse our days with sunshine, irrespective of external conditions.
Yet, amidst this pursuit, we often face a blizzard of thoughts within our minds—darting, fleeting, and sometimes immobilizing. This evolutionary bias towards negativity, while once essential for survival, now burdens us with unnecessary stress.
According to the National Science Institute, a staggering 80% of our thoughts lean negative, perpetuating a cycle of stress and anxiety.
However, we hold the key to breaking free from this pattern. By choosing our thoughts deliberately, like selecting our daily attire, we can significantly impact our mental and emotional well-being.
“Moving Parts Don’t Rust”
Health is more than just physical; it's a mindset.
Sometimes, however, our mindset can become limiting. We might feel constrained by notions of aging or believe that certain opportunities have passed us by due to perceived limitations.
Society and even medical professionals can inadvertently reinforce these beliefs.
I recall visiting a Rheumatologist in my early forties due to joint pain, particularly in my knees and elbows. While I suspected a possible tick bite (which was later confirmed), my doctor remarked,
"Well, you are getting older. Aches and pains are part of the aging process."
This statement felt disheartening and somewhat insulting, as age shouldn't dictate our capabilities or define our potential.
Everyone starts at a baseline, and with the right commitment, one can embark on new endeavors at any age.
One Week at a Time: Your Secret Weapon to a Balanced Life
And here we are again, at the start of the year … figuring out what our 2024 will look like.
There seems to be this pressure to start off the year strong, and in a new and better way … but honestly that’s a hard ask … especially coming off the crazy busyness of the holidays.
And let’s face it. At least my brain is scattered. The nagging in my brain is to push forward quickly, while I scan the utter chaos of a home with college boys in residence, and a bunch of Christmas decorations that need to be sorted out.
So I’m giving myself a solid two to three weeks to step back in … and gear up … in my own time, with a few experiments of trying out new things that I’ve been wanting to work on.
So I want to focus on the idea of navigating the chaos of our schedules, and share some ways of getting things back in control.
We all have a seemingly never ending long to-do list, with a little lack of focus sprinkled on top. That lack of focus typically comes from not finding the time to be proactive with daily planning.