There’s something magical about the fresh start a new year offers—a chance to turn the page and walk into a new chapter of our lives.
Over the holidays, I took some time to reflect on what I want this year to look like. One exercise that helped me get focused was creating a Vision Board. Not only was it fun, but it also brought back fond memories of something I loved doing as a teenager.
Back then, I’d spend hours sitting on my bedroom floor with a stack of magazines, cutting out pictures that inspired me, words that struck a chord, and assembling them into collages. Sometimes, I made these as gifts for friends, filled with images and words that captured the essence of our connection. It was always such fun to create, and I must say the final result was always quite beautiful and meaningful.
Did you ever do that? If not, maybe this is the year to give it a try.
Unlocking Your Potential … Moving beyond the Shouldas, Couldas, Wouldas
f you find yourself saying …. “I should have" … “I could have” …"or I would have" … stop, and take some moments to think about you, and where you are now and where you want to go.
It's about creating your vision - that vision of your “ideal” self - that vision that makes you feel satisfaction, happiness, contentment, accomplishment. In short, activating your plan for personal growth, with the reward being fulfillment.
Life's too short to minimize that reward.