Year-end Reflections and New Year Intentions

It’s hard to believe this year is winding down.  Rapidly.  But I guess that doesn’t come as a complete shock, since many of us say the same thing every year: 

“Where did this year go?” 

So before this year completely slips away from us, I encourage you to reflect about your time spent within this year.

And I know … you’re probably barely keeping your head above the water now as you race into the holidays, doing everything you need to do to wrap up the year before the bell rings us into the new year.  

But maybe you can plan some time, on a certain day, to find a nice cozy spot in your home, or maybe even a coffee shop, to sit with a cup of coffee and a notepad.  Maybe even glance through your 2021 calendar, to remind yourself of all that you did. 

If that seems like too much, just leave a pad of paper on your counter, and write the following questions on the pad, with space to write underneath them. 

When thoughts flow into your mind, as you're passing through the kitchen, or stirring a pot on the stove, write them down.

These questions are all thought starters, of course.  Feel free to create your own as well. 

What did you do in 2021 that brought you the most joy and happiness?

Was there one pivotal moment that propelled you forward … or backward?  What did you learn from that?

What did you fail at (if anything) … and if so, what did you learn or change in response to that failure?

What are the things that you are most grateful for?

What accomplishment are you most proud of?  

What is the one thing that you know you want to do, but always get side tracked … or realize that maybe you’re just scared to move forward … or maybe just don’t know how to move forward?

What do you want more of in your life in 2022? 

If you’re able to do this, you start building your roadmap for 2022.  

You start taking control of what you know makes you tick, and what makes you happy.

You may also face some fears or challenges that are holding you back.  You know, those swirling thoughts that dart across your brain enough for you to notice, but quickly dismiss … because you just don’t want to think about them.  

These may be thoughts about something that is challenging … because you just don’t know how to move forward.  Moving forward may require exposing yourself to vulnerability, which is also scary.  Moving forward might also expose you to possible failure. 

But if you recognize those challenges, maybe you can start figuring out how to face them, and move forward.  It doesn’t have to be a giant step forward … but a series of smaller and more comfortable steps.  And even if you fail, you will learn something. And those thoughts of “what if” will fade away.

On the flip side, what are those bucket list opportunities that you may want to put on the calendar in 2022? Those things that you know will make you happy - always fun to think and dream about.

I’m hoping that you find the time to do this exercise.  It hopefully will give you a great sense of control, intention and optimism as you head into the next year.  

And you head into 2022 with your eyes wide open … and ready to charge forward with purpose.

One Key Takeaway

Before this year completely slips away from us, I encourage you to reflect about your time spent within this year. What were your successess, failures, joys and accomplishments? What do you want more of in your life next year? And remember, when you set the intention of what you want to achieve and/or do moving forward, success is more readily within your grasp.


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