The Continuum of Health
My husband Mark and I were on a call the other day with dear ‘ole business school friends that we hadn’t talked to in quite some time. They asked me about health coaching, trying to understand what I do now and what it’s all about.
When we got off the call, Mark turned to me and said … “you have to work on your elevator speech.” He said it with good humor and support, and I knew he was right.
Part of the problem with a well defined elevator speech for me is that one of my primary objectives is to raise a general consciousness level about the fact that:
Our health is more within our control than we realize (genetics vs. environment)
There are so many small things that we can do daily to support our health
By committing to stay focused on our health, we maximize our lifespan, and most importantly our lifespan in health
It’s not a tidy package to discuss. And, let’s face it. Health is complicated … DEFINING health is complicated. So therefore defining health coaching can also be complicated.
Part of the challenge is that health is not a static concept. It’s a constant process, a continuum. And it is so much more than just the presence or absence of disease.
It turns out that there is a bonafide Illness-Wellness Continuum Model that healthcare professionals reference. Dr. John Travis developed the model in 1972, and it is a sliding scale that we are constantly moving back and forth on. To the left is illness and premature death and to the right is optimum health and wellness - and therefore longevity.
The wellness continuum is the integration of all areas of health and fitness - mental, social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Dr. Travis observed that doctors usually treat illness and symptoms which bring their patients into a neutral zone. They are moving their patients from the left side of the continuum to the center. But he also observes that the “neutral zone” should not be the end state.
Instead, he looked at wellness as a process, and that in addition to addressing a specific illness, medical professionals also had to work to educate and help their patients move along this continuum to a high level of wellness - moving them solidly into the right side of the scale.
If there is one profound thing that I’ve learned through my own health coaching journey, it is that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of actions that can help us move along this wellness continuum.
First it’s about having an awareness of all the things that we can do. That’s certainly some of what I try to impart in my weekly newsletters.
Additionally, it’s realizing that we never get to a state of “perfect health” and think “now that I’m perfectly healthy, I don’t need to do anything anymore.” Because there is not a finish line to health. We need to continue to be actively engaged. There are always new goals to set, new goal posts to reach. It’s a process.
Here’s just a small list of things that we can do that are health activating:
Go out with friends - positive social connections are one of the most beneficial things we can do for our health.
Go outside for a quick walk around the block after lunch or dinner, even when we know we have a ton to do. It not only can reduce stress, it also serves to regulate our blood sugar after eating.
Put down your phone and pick up a book - moments of positive escape, especially in the evening, can help prepare us for a good night’s sleep.
Chew food … slowly ensures we’re maximizing nutrient absorption, and gives our body the time it needs to signal when we’re full.
Wake up and get sun on your face first thing in the morning - it sets our circadian rhythm, and delivers a bit of Vitamin D in the process.
Process your thoughts … journaling, writing things down, sharing them with a friend, is another beneficial way to deal with stress.
Set at least 1 daily goal - getting to the end of our day knowing that we accomplished the one thing that was most important to accomplish is liberating.
Take the time to think about all the things that you do for your health … for yourself … for your longevity … and then identify a few more things that you can experiment with. Little by little, all the new things become habits … and so we continue to march along in the right direction on the Illness - Wellness Continuum.