Soup’s on for Fall

“Soup is cuisine’s kindest course.
It breathes reassurance; it steams consolation.
After a weary day, it promotes sociability, as the five o’clock cup of tea or the cocktail hour.”

- Louis Pullig de Gouy

I made the most delicious soup a couple weeks ago. It was bright with color and loaded with flavor … so I wanted to share it, especially as we head into soup season.

This soup is a delicious warming bowl of curry, similar to one I tried recently when visiting a great little Cuban inspired restaurant in Bar Harbor, Maine. It was a lobster curry. Very yummy - but I think this one might even be a tad bit better. Or at least can definitely hold its own against it. Even without the lobster.

There is so much flexibility to this recipe. You can pick your favorite vegetables and add protein if you like. Honestly, you just can't go wrong, as the flavor of the soup base meshes with about anything that you want to throw its way.

So here’s the recipe … and then I’ll share what add-ons I created to dial up this soup to a one bowl meal packed with deliciousness. And great for those nutrivore seekers!

It was so delicious - colorful - and oozing with big powerhouses of nutrition, like:

Curry - which is loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds which can help reduce oxidative stress, boost heart health, and improve blood sugar levels.

Turmeric - a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Coconut Milk - which contains healthy fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Several studies have found that consuming MCTs promotes weight loss by decreasing appetite and increasing energy.

Vegetables - antioxidant power of a range of cruciferous vegetables, dark leafy greens, and others.

Cilantro - a small amount delivers the full daily value of vitamin A and K and is rich in vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. It’s also a natural chelator, which may indicate it has the ability to aid in the removal of heavy metal toxins in our body.

Salmon - Rich in Omega 3s and high in protein.

The salmon was my add on to the recipe, and I cooked the filets in the oven and then just created a bowl of Ancient Grains (I had purchased Ancient Harvest at Whole Foods, which includes quinoa, buckwheat, millet, chia, amaranth and teff). I labeled in the soup over the grains, and then salmon on top sprinkled with cilantro.

If all these things appeal to your palate … it really is a meal that can't go wrong. Very easy to prepare … great as a leftover … delicious and healthy.

I'll leave you with one final soup quote:

“As the days grow short, some faces grow long. But not mine. Every autumn, when the wind turns cold, and darkness comes early, I am suddenly happy. It’s time to start making soup again.”

- Leslie Newman


It’s Simple. Breathe through your Nose.


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